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Physician, Chef, & Culinary Educator

Dr. Nordgren has the unique distinction of being a physician and a trained chef. Her years of treating patients for cholesterol disorders and childhood obesity motivated her to inspire people to make healthy eating part of their daily lives.

Dr. Nordgren received her medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School, completing her pediatrics residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, where she was elected Chief Resident.  

In 2012, she took a break from medical practice and enrolled in the prestigious Culinary Institute of America. She graduated with honors. She now combines her passion for great food and her knowledge as a physician to help families make sustainable, impactful lifestyle changes.

Now a Californian, Julia practices medicine at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and does hands-on culinary medicine teaching at the Stanford Teaching Kitchen. She tests many of her recipes on her husband and two boys, who luckily have adventurous appetites and honest opinions!